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Did you know? Your CPAP Mask, tubing, and humidifier have to be changed every 6 months to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria. How to choose FDA approved CPAP cleaners including Uv bags. and use and clean your breath machines during covid 19 viruses.

  • Tips for common concerns when using CPAP

    Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is the most common treatment for Obstructive Sleep Apnea. This treatment uses a small machine that supplies a constant flow of air through a hose into a mask that the patient wears during sleep.
    The most common problems by CPAP users include trouble falling asleep with the mask, dry mouth and nose, and leaky mask. These problems can often be overcome to make CPAP therapy comfortable and effective. Below are some tips for overcoming some of the more common difficulties of CPAP usage.

  • Difficulty falling asleep

    This is a very common problem experienced by many beginner CPAP users. Practice wearing the mask during the daytime to get used to it. The ramp feature on the machine may also help, as it will begin by supplying the air at low pressure and gradually increasing it to the prescribed level as you fall asleep. Finally, get into good sleeping habits: exercise regularly but not immediately before going to bed, avoid alcohol and caffeine at night, and go to bed at a regular time and not before you are tired. also, use moyeah cpap pillows that can help to get better sleep while wearing the mask.

  • FDA Approved Newest CPAP Cleaner With Sanitizer Bag Ozone Disinfector

    moyeah supplies FDA approved CPAP machine cleaners. The CPAP cleaners&sanitizer and CPAP cleaning machine available at moyeahstore, help sanitize and clean your CPAP machines,CPAP masks, tubing, and other sleep therapy equipment. Find your CPAP cleaning solution at Moyeahstore Now!
    choose CPAP cleaner:


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